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Trade Fair Assistance for Georgian SMEs (2024)


Welcome to the “Trade Fair Assistance for Georgian SMEs” program

This comprehensive program equips you with the knowledge and tools to showcase your products at prestigious international trade fairs, helping you expand your market reach and build valuable global connections.

Program supports Georgian SMEs to take full advantage of international trade fairs and B2B events. To boost their sales to EU and European countries’ markets and Empower Georgian SMEs to become exporters to the EU and European countries’ markets.


All participants will carry out a self-assessment and take an Export readiness test. This is accompanied by face-to-face meetings with mentors, assessing products, pricing, collection structure, and product development speed.

To plan for future international trade fairs and B2B events, all participants will participate in thematic workshops and receive one-on-one mentoring from international trainers, helping them to develop a comprehensive Trade Fair plan and strategy for international markets.

Training schedule

Workshops for creating a comprehensive Trade Fair Plan

10. September 2024: Official kick-off meeting in Tbilisi where you will get to know your cohort members and also be introduced to our online learning platform, Talent LMS. (1hr)
10. September 2024: Workshop #1 in Tbilisi “How to get maximum out of trade fair? Trade fair preparation.” (3 hr)
11-19 September 2024: A team of international mentors will carry out site visits, assessing products, pricing, collection structure, and product development speed.
20. September 2024: Workshop #2 in Tbilisi “How to choose the right market? Marketing strategies.” (3 hr)
23. September – 4. October 2024: A team of mentors will provide individual assistance in market research and aid in developing a trade fair strategy.
Date TBC October 2024: Online workshop #3 “Understanding buyer expectations and needs analyses” (3 hr)
Date TBC October 2024: Online workshop #4 “Negotiation skills.” (3 hr)
Date TBC October 2024: Online workshop #5 “Cultural awareness.” (3 hr)

Providing assistance on Trade Fair Plan implementation at thematic trade fairs

Trainers will join the participants at the chosen thematic international trade fair and provide our expertise and assistance on-site.

Chosen Traide fair for children’s clothing:
Pitti Immagine Bimbo (Florence) 21.-23. Jan 2025 or Playtime Paris 25.-27. Jan 2025 (attendance of the trade fair is self-funded by the attending company).
Visionest Institute will carry out a post-event evaluation and feedback session on site (including recommendations for future participation in trade fairs and missions) and a follow-up workshop.

February 2025. Online workshop. Knowledge-sharing sessions “What did we learn from Pitti Immagine and Playtime Paris fairs?”

Chosen B2B event for the Fashion sector:Paris Fashion Week taking place in March 2025 (attendance of the trade fair is self-funded by the attending company).

Visionest Institute will carry out on-site post-event evaluation session on site, feedback (including recommendations for future participation in trade fairs and missions), and a follow-up workshop.
March 2025 Online workshop. Knowledge-sharing sessions “What did we learn from Fashion Week?”

Date TBC April 2025: Online Delivery of collaboration and knowledge-sharing sessions. “How to improve trade fair results by learning from the others? Planning for the next Trade Fair.”

  • Visionest Institute - Program Presentation.pptx
  • UNDP - Presentation.pptx
  • Enterprise Georgia - Presentation.pptx
  • Competence Self-Assessment Form NB! Complete by 08.09.24
  • Onboarding Tasks
  • Workshop #1 10.09 How to get maximum out of trade fair? Trade fair preparation
  • WKSH #1 - “How to get maximum out of trade fair?" by Anu-Mall Naarits
  • WKSH #1 - Trade Fair Training - Presentation.pptx
  • REGISTER Now! In-person/ადგილზე დასწრება - Opening Event
  • REGIRSTER Now! ZOOM/ონლაინ -Opening Event
  • Workshop #2 - 20.09 How to choose the right market? Marketing strategies
  • WKSH #2- “How to choose the right market? ” by Anu-Mall Naarits
  • WKSH # 2 - How to Select a Right Market - Presentation.pptx
  • REGISTER!In-person/ადგილზე დასწრება,WORKSHOP "How to choose the right market?"
  • REGISTER! ZOOM/ონლაინ, WORKSHOP"How to choose the right market?"
  • WORKSHOP #3 (online) Understanding buyer expectations and needs analyses
  • WKSH #3 - “Understanding buyer expectations and needs analyses” by Jean Sutton
  • WKSH # 3 - Understanding Customer Needs-Expectations of the Buyer Presentation
  • WORKSHOP #4 (ONLINE) Negotiation skills
  • WKSH #4 “Negotiations Skills” by Jaan Järv
  • WKSH #4 “Negotiations Skills” Presentation by Jaan Järv
  • workshop #5 (online) Cultural awareness
  • WKSH #5 - “Cultural Awareness” by Jaan Järv
  • WKSH #5 - “Cultural Awareness” Presentation by Jaan Järv.pdf
  • workshop #6 (online) Preparations for Trade Fairs
  • WKSH 6 “Last Minute Preparations for Trade Fairs”
  • WKSH 6 “Last Minute Preparations for Trade Fairs” by Anu-Mall Naarits
  • Recommended Literature
  • Trade Fair Assistance for Georgian SMEs - BRIEF OVERVIEW
  • Trade Show Follow-Up Strategies
  • Section 8 365d
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed